First “Smart” Toothbrush Gives Instant Feedback

oral b smart_300x200Brushing teeth is essential to a healthy smile, whether you use a traditional toothbrush or one of the battery-powered toothbrushes that have become more popular in recent years. Regardless of which one you use, it can be hard to tell if the surfaces of your teeth are getting as clean as possible in between visits to the dentist.

This problem may no longer be an issue after the first “smart” toothbrush was presented on opening day of the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Spain. This gathering of mobile-minded professionals is the world’s largest mobile fair and showcases the latest technologies that correspond with the popularity of the smartphone.

Programs presented at this fair showcase the variety of life’s details that people can now record using their smartphones, including how many steps they take throughout the day, how well they are eating, and heart-rate. And now, how well we are brushing our teeth.

Procter & Gamble’s Oral-B brand showcased the new toothbrush, which will sell for around $300 in the United States and around the world. Similar to current battery-powered toothbrushes, the cycle of each toothbrushing session is two minutes long, providing four segments of thirty seconds each for toothbrushers to reach each corner of the mouth. Once the two minutes are up, the toothbrushing activity is then recorded on an app on a corresponding smartphone.

If everything looks good, a message appears that says, “Congratulations: your teeth are shining.” If the message doesn’t appear, teeth need to be re-brushed. The results of using this toothbrush over time can also be shared with the dentist!

No matter what kind of toothbrush you decide to use, it’s imperative to make brushing your teeth part of your overall dental health routine. To get an idea of how well you’re doing, call dentist in Eugene, OR Dr. Rita Feldmanis at 541-344-3393 to schedule an appointment!

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