Eugene Oregon Dentist Explains: Taste Bud Loss Could Be Linked to Diabetes
If you’re a fan of fine wine, good food and sweet treats, you may not welcome the news that the number of taste buds on the tongue actually decreases as you get older. While this may seem like mild inconvenience or just one reason why to add a little more hot sauce to your morning eggs, the fewer taste buds you have may lead to an increase in your fasting blood sugar level, according to a new study.
This relationship could help explain way so many seniors have started to develop type 2 diabetes, suggest researchers from the National Institute of Aging.
Researchers discovered that the remaining number of taste buds on the tongue has a connection to an individual’s age and how the body processes sugar, reported the NIA in a recent report to the International Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2012, 9.3 percent of Americans suffered from type 2 diabetes. The number of seniors suffering from the disease was even higher, as 25 percent of seniors over the age of 65 have type 2 diabetes.
Existing research has previously shown that individuals with type 2 diabetes and their relatives suffer from taste buds that don’t properly sense sweetness. Based on this, researchers decided to examine whether individuals lose the number of taste buds they have as they age, as has been previously observed in experiments involving rodents.
As part of the study, researchers collected data from 353 adults relating to blood sugar, body mass index and the number of remaining taste buds.
Eugene Oregon Dentist: The Surprising Connection
Surprisingly simple, measuring the number of taste buds an individual has remaining only requires that they swish around a blue dye. While the tongue turns blue, taste buds don’t absorb the die and show up at little pink dots, which researchers then counted.
Preliminary results backup researchers’ initial theory that the number of taste buds may factor in how the body handles sugar during the aging process. Due to the early stages of research regarding the loss of taste buds, researchers do not know whether it’s possible to counter taste bud loss during aging, stimulate regrowth or even if taste buds are really gone when they no longer register any sensation. More research is required to explore the possible link between the taste bud loss and an increased risk of diabetes in seniors.
Diabetes and Dental Care
The connection between diminished taste buds and diabetes remains unclear, but the link between diabetes and gum disease is well-established. Studies show that individuals with type 2 diabetes face a significantly higher risk of developing gum disease compared to those without it. Considering that over 17 percent of seniors suffer from severe gum disease, according to the National Institutes of Health, the correlation between these conditions is evident.
As seniors age, they encounter more oral health challenges, making regular dental care essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Preventive dental care is particularly important for individuals with diabetes, as it helps mitigate the risks of gum disease and other related complications.
The Importance of Preventive Dental Care
Preventive dental care plays a vital role in maintaining oral health and preventing a range of dental issues. For individuals with diabetes, proactive dental care is even more critical, as it reduces the risk of complications like gum disease and taste bud loss.
At our Eugene dentist office, we focus on preventive care to help patients achieve a lifetime of good oral health. Our services include:
- Routine oral examinations to detect early signs of tooth decay and gum disease.
- Professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
- Fluoride treatments and dental sealants for added protection.
- Oral hygiene education to promote healthy habits.
By prioritizing preventive care, our patients benefit from healthier smiles, fewer dental issues, and lower dental costs. This approach is particularly effective for individuals with conditions like diabetes, where oral health risks are heightened.
Please contact your dentist in Eugene, OR, to schedule an appointment today!
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