At our cosmetic dentistry in Eugene, we’re trying to help patients look and feel their best whenever they smile. Our staff at Feldmanis Family Dentistry happily makes recommendations to patients on the very best practices for protecting and maintaining their long-term oral health.
The American Dental Association states that the best practices for enjoying excellent oral hygiene include regular dental visits to your cosmetic dentistry in Eugene, brushing for two minutes, twice a day, and flossing daily. However, many patients have a hard time keeping track of how long they spend brushing, and some may even forget whether they’ve already brushed before heading off to bed. For patients who need a nudge when to brush, a rechargeable toothbrush, with features like a timer, reminders, and positive reinforcement, may help to improve their daily oral hygiene routine.
While using a manual brush works perfectly well at maintaining a great looking and healthy set of teeth, electric toothbrushes do offer some inherent benefits that can help those in need of a little extra assistance.
The Benefits of Electric Toothbrushes
Higher-end electric toothbrushes include additional features that help users perfect their daily oral hygiene routine. Many brushes, for example, feature timers that help users brush for the full two minutes recommended by the ADA each time they brush, as well as alerts letting them know when to move the brush from side to side or focus on the gum line.
New models also frequently feature reward-based or game-like features that help encourage better brushing habits. The Philips Sonicare for Kids brush comes equipped with Sparky, a “training partner” designed to help kids learn better brushing techniques, and to provide awards and incentives for properly brushing.
Despite the advances made in electric toothbrushes, only about 3 percent of households in the U.S. use electric brushes. Powered brushes only account for 10 percent of toothbrushes used in North America.
Marketers remain puzzled why so few Americans choose to use an electric brush. The percentage of households with electric toothbrushes is significantly higher in Europe, especially in the England and Germany.
Furthermore, when a user switches to an electric brush they rarely go back to using a traditional toothbrush. Studies have found that electric toothbrush users report feeling as is they receive a better clean when compared to using a manual toothbrush. Some studies have even validated this claim by finding that individuals who use electric brushes are more successful at removing plaque and other harmful oral bacteria.
Many people will stand in long lines and shell out hundreds of dollars for the latest iPhone or newest technological wonder. However, few seem willing to make that investment to buy a better more advanced toothbrush. This makes many in the oral health industry convinced that they must reframe the conversation with patients in order to help them put their oral care into better perspective.
Brushing Manually
While electric brushes do have some advantages and far more features than their traditional counterparts, patients shouldn’t feel as if they need to buy an electric toothbrush to protect their oral health.
Studies have also shown that you can properly maintain your oral health by using a manual brush. You just need to remain more vigilant in improving your brushing technique and make sure you brush long enough and frequently enough. If you’re the type of individual that takes oral hygiene seriously, you’re probably good to use either brush. However, if you need a little encouragement or the occasional gentle reminder to improve your oral hygiene, an electric toothbrush could be just the tool you need.
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